Fit Expressive Writing

Fit Expressive Writing

All of Our Programs Use a Multi-Sensory Approach That Greatly Improves Visual and Auditory Processing Speed, Working Memory, Executive Functioning, Confidence, and Perseverance

  • Writing has never comes easily to your learner.

  • Your child is a good reader, but they consistently struggle with — and feel overwhelmed by — writing assignments.

  • Your learner can verbally articulate stories and make arguments, but he or she has difficulty with putting them into writing.

  • Your student is a good writer, but you’d like them to be great.

  • Your child has been diagnosed with a learning disability (LD), learning difference, dysgraphia, dyslexia, or any other condition that makes writing especially challenging.

  • You know how important it is to get 1:1 writing help for your child so they can succeed in school.

Writing skills are more critical than ever these days. Certainly, the ability to write is important for students pursing higher education. Oftentimes, high school graduates are underprepared for the writing they’ll be required to do in college, whether it’s writing papers, answering essay questions, or communicating a persuasive argument. Even beyond college, written communication is a factor in getting (and succeeding at) a job. Research from the National Association of Colleges and Employers revealed that the ability to write well is the third most desired skill for for employers, trailing only leadership and teamwork. In fact, more than 73% of the employers surveyed cited strong written communication skills as something they’re specifically seeking in job candidates. Along these lines, employers are increasingly requesting writing samples from job applicants, as discussed in an article from Indeed.

teenage boy struggling during a writing assignment is an ideal candidate for Fit's writing tutoring to get help with grammar, writing paragraphs and stories, and moreWith that said, it’s not uncommon for expressive writing to be an area of difficulty for elementary and high school students. Even learners who excel at reading, spelling, or other subjects can feel overwhelmed and anxious when it comes to putting their thoughts “on paper” in a clear, organized, and compelling way. The good news is, Fit’s expressive writing curriculum can help.

Who Benefits From Fit’s Writing Program?

Your student would greatly benefit from Fit Writing if he or she …

  • Struggles with writing assignments
  • Finds it challenging to tell a story or put their thoughts and ideas into writing
  • Doesn’t like to write, avoids writing, and complains whenever it’s time to do homework
  • Is a proficient writer, but doesn’t feel challenged in the classroom
  • Has been diagnosed with dysgraphia, dyslexia, or another learning disability or learning difference
  • Needs more writing practice in order to be fully prepared for an exclusive private school, higher grades, or college

What is Covered in Fit Writing’s Curriculum?

Fit’s expressive writing program trains students in grades 3 – 12 to fluency in the following topics:

  • Using grammar correctly
  • Constructing sentences and paragraphs
  • Brainstorming on a topic
  • Organizing thoughts in preparation for writing
  • Writing stories
  • Composing persuasive paragraphs or essays

fourth grade girl gets expressive writing tutoring at Fit Learning St. LouisWhat Makes Fit Different From Other Writing Tutors?

Unlike other tutoring programs, Fit addresses the cause of the issue, not the symptoms. We don’t just focus on the concepts your child’s teacher is going over right this moment. After all, the difficulty they are experiencing right now is a symptom. Instead, through our assessment process, we find the source of your child’s struggles and we treat that source. This paves the way for future learning success, beyond just getting through what is currently being covered in class.

Here are some other important aspects that make Fit unique.

  • Evidence-based: Our curriculum is backed in science and research.
  • Systematic: Students practice foundational skills until they master them, and then move on to more complex skills.
  • Individualized: We provide 1:1 instruction to every child.
  • Taught explicitly: Sessions are goal-driven and offer lots of opportunities to practice the right answer.
  • Fast paced: Coaches hold kids’ attention by moving quickly, so there’s no time to be bored.
  • Rich in frequent feedback: Our learning coaches resemble sports coaches and motivate your child through praise (and prizes!).
  • Multi-sensory: Fit learners practice by seeing, hearing, doing, moving, and writing.
  • Fun! Learning coaches provide lots of positive reinforcement, and they reward effort and personal bests.
  • Last, but certainly not least, Fit Learning’s method is focused on fluency. Your child will work on certain skills until they become effortless. This is huge, because when students achieve fluency across a broad array of core skill areas for a particular subject, they experience an actual transformation as a learner. A fluent foundation produces learners who demonstrate cognitive fitness – or the ability to learn and perform as an expert in any academic setting on any type of task. Students who are cognitively fit tend to be agile, flexible, focused, perseverant, confident, determined, and able to think critically.

boy writes in notebook after getting writing help at Fit Learning in St. Louis metro area

Fit Will Help Your Child Become a More Proficient (and Confident) Writer

Our Creve Coeur learning lab has credentialed, nurturing, and fun learning coaches who specialize in the latest learning and behavioral science technologies. To get your child help, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Fit Learning St. Louis.
  2. Speak with our Director.
  3. Schedule an intake assessment.
  4. Begin Fit Writing and start to notice a change in not only your child’s writing ability, but also their confidence.

Written communication doesn’t have to be a pain point for your learner. And, strengthening their writing skills today will better prepare them for the future. Call us today to get started!

Other Learning Services Offered at Fit Learning in St. Louis

Expressive writing isn’t the only curriculum offered at our St. Louis learning lab. Other subject areas include readingmath, logicpenmanship, spelling, and Lil Fits. In addition, we have special programs for summer camp, study skills, gifted students, and homeschoolers

Note that Fit Writing is available via online instruction as well as in-person at our Creve Coeur learning lab. For more information about our distance learning option, see the Online Services webpage … or give us a call!