Maximizing Learning Outcomes and Student Engagement Through Online Tutoring


Maximizing Learning Outcomes and Student Engagement Through Online Tutoring

smiling and confident young girl looks up from her laptop during online tutoring through Fit Learning St. Louis, where distance learning helps students improve 1-2 grade levels

Is online learning optimal for your family? Are you seeking quality tutoring for your learner but live outside of the St. Louis metro area? Are you homeschooling your child and seeking distance learning enrichment? There are a variety of reasons why remote learning is the best option for some families. They might include geographic location, schedule requirements, special needs, health...[ read more ]

New Scholarship Opportunity for Fit Learning St. Louis

Don't miss your chance to learn about ESA K-12 scholarships for your child

Are you worried about your child’s learning progress? Concerned about delays in core subject areas? Do you have a child with special needs who you fear is falling through the cracks? Or, do you know someone who could benefit from sending their children to a high-quality tutor but can't afford tuition? If so, we’re pleased to spread the word about...[ read more ]

How Fit Learning Can Support Homeschooling Families

Middle-school girl at a laptop who is struggling with traditional school and is a good candidate for the low-stress homeschool program at Fit Learning St. Louis in Creve Coeur.

Is your learner struggling at school? Does it seem like they’ve fallen through the cracks and perhaps could use a more personalized approach to instruction? Are you concerned that their anxiety or stress is preventing them from achieving their potential in school? Have you considered homeschooling as an option? If so, know that you’re not in this alone; Fit Learning...[ read more ]

Is it Time to Consider Homeschooling?

young boy next to question marks and a light bulb indicating the success of fit homeschool in St. Louis, MO at Fit Learning who offers tutoring in St. Louis, MO

As a parent, you may contemplate homeschooling your child and immediately feel overwhelmed and exhausted. You want your child to be successful, but you're not sure if choosing to homeschool your child will be a good fit for your family. Currently, there are many scenarios where homeschooling makes the most sense, even if it seems challenging. Some of the situations...[ read more ]