Beyond Report Cards: How to Really Know if Your Child is Learning


Beyond Report Cards: How to Really Know if Your Child is Learning

row of school lockers, representing the concept that grades and report cards aren't the best ways to tell whether a child is really learning what they need to know for the future

As a parent, do you find yourself wondering if your child is learning what they need to for future academic success? Perhaps their grades are fine but you still sense they lack a full understanding of concepts covered in class, or have trouble retaining what they’ve learned. Or maybe you’re concerned that, due to grade inflation, the level of your...[ read more ]

Maximizing Learning Outcomes and Student Engagement Through Online Tutoring

smiling and confident young girl looks up from her laptop during online tutoring through Fit Learning St. Louis, where distance learning helps students improve 1-2 grade levels

Is online learning optimal for your family? Are you seeking quality tutoring for your learner but live outside of the St. Louis metro area? Are you homeschooling your child and seeking distance learning enrichment? There are a variety of reasons why remote learning is the best option for some families. They might include geographic location, schedule requirements, special needs, health...[ read more ]

How Fit Learning Stands Out from Other Tutors

Young girl smiles and raises her hand enthusiastically during a 1:1 tutoring session at Fit Learning, where she has fun and gets more confident as she learns new skills.

Are you considering getting tutoring for your learner? Have you heard about programs such as Brain Balance and wondered if their services would be beneficial? If so, you aren’t alone. Many parents are realizing the benefits of tutoring outside of school as a great way to boost their child’s academic and executive functioning skills. However, there are some significant differences...[ read more ]

How Your Learner Can Benefit From Educational Best Practices

a smiling girl wearing pigtails looks up from a book she's reading after help from Fit Learning's customized, 1:1 reading tutoring

Have you seen news headlines or read articles about the remarkable effectiveness of some other countries’ education systems as compared to the United States? Wondering why that is, and what we can learn from it? Global Education … How the US Stacks Up Over the years, it’s been reported that US students underperform in key subject areas when compared to...[ read more ]

Helping Your Learner Retain What They’ve Learned

young girl struggles to retain what she's learned, while looking through a school book

Does your learner struggle with retaining information? Do you find that they initially grasp the concepts and complete the homework, but then can’t recall or apply that information for a test or later in the school year? Does your student often get frustrated or anxious when unable to remember what they’ve already “learned”? If so, you aren’t alone. We hear...[ read more ]

Helping Learners With Slow Processing Speed

Child leaning over looking at a computer representing a student with slow processing speed from Illinois participating in Fit Math instead of tutoring to help them catch up in school.

Are you concerned that your child struggles to learn, or takes much longer than expected to complete basic homework? Have you been told they have slow processing speed or a processing disorder? Are these challenges holding them back at school or contributing to low self-esteem? Fit Learning may be your answer. Key aspects of Fit’s unique teaching technique make it...[ read more ]

Is Your Learner Struggling in School This Year?

Image of feet on a book representing overcoming learning struggles. | Tutoring in St. Louis, MO, Children with ADHD in St. Louis, MO, Help for learning disability, Creve Coeur, MO | 63141 |

Is your learner struggling in school this year? Having difficulty grasping or retaining the material covered in class? Falling behind compared to peers? If so, you may be considering tutoring for your child. It’s critical to note that teaching and learning approaches vary quite a bit. Fit Learning stands out from all the rest. It uses an alternative teaching method that...[ read more ]

Why Isn’t 100% Good Enough?

graded homework, representing how fluency (not just test scores) determine skill mastery

100/100, A+ on the latest unit test! Time to celebrate, right? Three months later at a disappointing parent conference meeting, the teacher expresses concern that your child is falling behind. HOW COULD THAT BE!? Your friend’s son also received a 100% on his unit test but your friend didn’t hear the same message from the teacher. What’s different about your...[ read more ]