Maximizing Learning Outcomes and Student Engagement Through Online Tutoring


Maximizing Learning Outcomes and Student Engagement Through Online Tutoring

smiling and confident young girl looks up from her laptop during online tutoring through Fit Learning St. Louis, where distance learning helps students improve 1-2 grade levels

Is online learning optimal for your family? Are you seeking quality tutoring for your learner but live outside of the St. Louis metro area? Are you homeschooling your child and seeking distance learning enrichment? There are a variety of reasons why remote learning is the best option for some families. They might include geographic location, schedule requirements, special needs, health...[ read more ]

How Fit Learning Stands Out from Other Tutors

Young girl smiles and rasies her hand enthusiastically during a 1:1 tutoring session at Fit Learning, where she has fun and gets more confident as she learns new skills.

Are you considering getting tutoring for your learner? Have you heard about programs such as Brain Balance and wondered if their services would be beneficial? If so, you aren’t alone. Many parents are realizing the benefits of tutoring outside of school as a great way to boost their child’s academic and executive functioning skills. However, there are some significant differences...[ read more ]

Phonics: Not Just For Little Kids

middle school student looks confused and overwhelmed while reading a school book, something Fit Learning can help with

Do you have an older learner struggling to learn how to read? Or a learner who can read but not smoothly or confidently — or who dreads every second of it? Perhaps you’ve heard about the effectiveness of Science of Reading methods (such as phonics) but figured they were just for young kids just starting to read. You may have...[ read more ]

The Science of Reading Isn’t Enough

school-aged girl reading and writing in notebook after tutoring at Fit Learning St. Louis

You’ve likely heard of the Science of Reading. Perhaps you saw our blog post discussing it. For those of us in the education realm, it seems like it’s in the news nearly every day, with many states, regions, and school districts adopting a Science of Reading approach. There’s even a trending podcast series about it. And for good reason ......[ read more ]

Is Your Learner Struggling in School This Year?

Image of feet on a book representing overcoming learning struggles. | Tutoring in St. Louis, MO, Children with ADHD in St. Louis, MO, Help for learning disability, Creve Coeur, MO | 63141 |

Is your learner struggling in school this year? Having difficulty grasping or retaining the material covered in class? Falling behind compared to peers? If so, you may be considering tutoring for your child. It’s critical to note that teaching and learning approaches vary quite a bit. Fit Learning stands out from all the rest. It uses an alternative teaching method that...[ read more ]