The Link Between Learning and Self-Confidence


The Link Between Learning and Self-Confidence

Two eager students raising their hands in class, representing the improved self-esteem that students get from tutoring at Fit Learning

Are you concerned that your child isn't confident in their academic abilities? Or that their learning challenges are causing them to lose confidence in themselves? Do you fear that low self-esteem will negatively impact them academically and/or socially? If so, you are not alone. In working with families, we commonly hear from parents that their child isn’t confident in their...[ read more ]

Executive Function Skills in Children: Why They Matter and How to Improve Them

girl looks interested and engaged while getting tutoring help at Fit Learning, where our method strengthens critical thinking skills

Have you noticed that your learner seems particularly disorganized? … rarely plans ahead and has a hard time staying on track? … has trouble getting started with (and completing) tasks or assignments … struggles with managing impulses or emotions … has difficulty recalling what was covered in class … often misplaces or loses assignments or schoolwork? Defining Executive Functioning If...[ read more ]

Helping Your Learner Retain What They’ve Learned

young girl struggles to retain what she's learned, while looking through a school book

Does your learner struggle with retaining information? Do you find that they initially grasp the concepts and complete the homework, but then can’t recall or apply that information for a test or later in the school year? Does your student often get frustrated or anxious when unable to remember what they’ve already “learned”? If so, you aren’t alone. We hear...[ read more ]

New Scholarship Opportunity for Fit Learning St. Louis

Don't miss your chance to learn about ESA K-12 scholarships for your child

Are you worried about your child’s learning progress? Concerned about delays in core subject areas? Do you have a child with special needs who you fear is falling through the cracks? Or, do you know someone who could benefit from sending their children to a high-quality tutor but can't afford tuition? If so, we’re pleased to spread the word about...[ read more ]

How Fit Learning Can Support Homeschooling Families

Middle-school girl at a laptop who is struggling with traditional school and is a good candidate for the low-stress homeschool program at Fit Learning St. Louis in Creve Coeur.

Is your learner struggling at school? Does it seem like they’ve fallen through the cracks and perhaps could use a more personalized approach to instruction? Are you concerned that their anxiety or stress is preventing them from achieving their potential in school? Have you considered homeschooling as an option? If so, know that you’re not in this alone; Fit Learning...[ read more ]

Between School and Tutoring: What Parents Can Do to Support Their Child With ADHD

Young child holding a pencil and appearing to think representing a boy with adhd who is struggling in school and looking for a tutor in the St. Louis Area

Does your child … have a diagnosis of ADHD? Have trouble sitting still or focusing? Struggle with planning or time management? Act impulsively or make careless mistakes? Show signs of frustration or low self-esteem? Helping your child overcome these challenges can seem daunting. Hey, we’ve been there, and we get it! ADHD is challenging for parents, not just kids. However,...[ read more ]

Helping Learners With Slow Processing Speed

Child leaning over looking at a computer representing a student with slow processing speed from Illinois participating in Fit Math instead of tutoring to help them catch up in school.

Are you concerned that your child struggles to learn, or takes much longer than expected to complete basic homework? Have you been told they have slow processing speed or a processing disorder? Are these challenges holding them back at school or contributing to low self-esteem? Fit Learning may be your answer. Key aspects of Fit’s unique teaching technique make it...[ read more ]

Is Fit Learning’s Academic Summer Camp Right for Your Child?

Happy child appears next to light bulbs, signifying the cognitive fitness and confidence he gained at Fit Learning's summer camp.

Are you worried about your child’s learning progress? Concerned about delays or difficulties in core subject areas? Stressed because the pandemic has left your learner falling behind or in constant catch-up mode? Fit Learning’s academic summer camp can get your learner back on track – and more. As many St. Louis families have discovered, Fit’s uniquely engaging and effective approach...[ read more ]

Fit Learning St. Louis is an Alternative to Private School

boy wearing glasses and looking up from a blue book. He's all ready for private school after receiving fun and personalized tutoring at Fit Learning St. Louis.

Are your child’s unique learning needs not being met in their current school? Are you considering a move to an expensive private school, hoping to see better results? Worried that a change of school placement will disrupt your child's friendships? Not ready to spring for St. Louis’s Most Expensive Private School? Looking for a program with proven success for learners...[ read more ]

What is Dyslexia, and How Can You Help Your Dyslexic Child?

dyslexia child reads a book in a library after she gets dyslexia tutoring in st. louis mo at fit learning st. louis 63141

You are frustrated that your child isn’t reading well. In fact, you’re concerned your child may have dyslexia. Or maybe your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia, but they aren’t getting the support or accommodations they need at school. You want to see your child make progress learning to read more quickly and are hoping to find a tutor familiar...[ read more ]