How to Help Your Reluctant Reader


How to Help Your Reluctant Reader

unhappy looking girl in classroom looking at her notebook and who would benefit from evidence-based reading instruction from Fit Learning

Is your child a reluctant reader? Does he or she dislike reading? Have they always struggled with reading – perhaps it just never really “caught on”? Are you concerned they are falling behind or may be unprepared for future grades as the schoolwork (and the reading assignments) get more challenging? If so, Fit Learning can help get your reluctant reader...[ read more ]

Phonics: Not Just For Little Kids

middle school student looks confused and overwhelmed while reading a school book, something Fit Learning can help with

Do you have an older learner struggling to learn how to read? Or a learner who can read but not smoothly or confidently — or who dreads every second of it? Perhaps you’ve heard about the effectiveness of Science of Reading methods (such as phonics) but figured they were just for young kids just starting to read. You may have...[ read more ]

The Science of Reading Isn’t Enough

school-aged girl reading and writing in notebook after tutoring at Fit Learning St. Louis

You’ve likely heard of the Science of Reading. Perhaps you saw our blog post discussing it. For those of us in the education realm, it seems like it’s in the news nearly every day, with many states, regions, and school districts adopting a Science of Reading approach. There’s even a trending podcast series about it. And for good reason ......[ read more ]

Is Your Child Benefitting From Instruction Based on the Science of Reading?

A young child reads a book, having benefitted from 1:1 reading comprehension tutoring at Fit Learning

Do you find yourself wondering whether the Science of Reading works for your learner? Not sure what all it entails? Wondering how phonics fits into the mix? At Fit Learning, we look to the science to ensure our instructional techniques are as effective and efficient as possible. We combine that with a fun and fast-paced approach to engage and motivate...[ read more ]