Fit Learning for Gifted Students

Fit Learning for Gifted Students

All of Our Programs Use a Multi-Sensory Approach That Greatly Improves Visual and Auditory Processing Speed, Working Memory, Executive Functioning, Confidence, and Perseverance

  • Your child’s grades are fine but they seem bored with school.

  • You fear your learner is losing their love of learning because they aren’t being challenged in school.

  • You feel your student’s potential isn’t being maximized in a traditional classroom.

  • You’d love to see your learner using an individualized curriculum that can move at their accelerated pace.

  • Your gifted learner plans to attend a private school but you’d like to ensure they are truly ready for the admission test.

If any of these scenarios sound familiar to you, Fit Learning’s 1:1, customized instruction can help! At Fit, we can develop an individualized learning program for gifted or talented students that challenges them and moves them grade-levels ahead. Because our approach is grade-level agnostic, we can truly meet the learning pace (and unique needs) of an accelerated learner.

Who Benefits from the Gifted Program at Fit Learning in St. Louis?

Students who would benefit from Fit’s gifted instruction include:

  • Learners who grasp academic concepts quickly (even without a lot of formal instruction) as compared to their peers
  • Children who are clearly talented but whose grades have started slipping
  • Gifted learners who seem increasingly disengaged or “tuned out” with what’s going on at school
  • Students who are bored with classroom material and could benefit from additional challenge and enrichment
  • Children who prefer to work independently versus sticking with the slower pace and repetition of classroom instruction
  • Talented students who get good grades but whose problem-solving skills could be strengthened
  • Gifted learners preparing to attend an exclusive or demanding private school

Why Is Enrichment So Important for Gifted Students?young girl sits and writes while looking at a book, having benefitted from Fit Learning St. Louis's individualized tutoring for gifted students

It’s critical that gifted children are provided sufficient rigor in their curriculum in order to maintain their interest in learning, have opportunities to learn from mistakes, and develop the cognitive and study skills that will be needed as the academic material gets harder. Without a challenging curriculum, they can easily become bored and unmotivated to study or keep their grades up. Further, they may fail to develop the self-management skills needed to successfully navigate “real life” outside of academics. (For example, oftentimes, gifted students can benefit from practicing the application and generalization of skills to solve problems.)

At Fit, we meet your child right where they are and help them grow academically to learn and master more advanced concepts. Each enrollment starts out with a comprehensive skills assessment to identify your learner’s fluency in a range of component skills. Then, based on the results of that assessment, we design a customized learning plan to take your child’s learning to the next level … in a way that is enjoyable and interesting for them.

Why Choose Fit Learning’s Gifted Program?

Fit’s precision teaching approach is unique. Unlike other tutoring solutions, our method works for ALL kinds of learners, with instruction that is:

  • Evidence-based: Fit’s curriculum is backed in science and research.
  • Individualized: We provide 1:1 instruction to every child.
  • Fast paced and interactive: Coaches hold kids’ attention by moving quickly, so there’s no time to be bored.
  • Systematic: After mastering component skills, we move on to cover more complex skills. So, the material is always challenging, and students retain what they’ve learned.
  • Focused on fluency: Your child will work on targeted skills until they become effortless.
  • Taught explicitly: Sessions are goal-driven and with lots of practice opportunities and opportunities to ask questions.
  • Rich in frequent feedback: Our learning coaches work hard to motivate your child through praise.
  • Multi-sensory: Learners practice seeing, hearing, doing, moving, and writing.
  • Fun! Fit learning sessions provide lots of positive reinforcement and spark a lifelong love of learning in students.

girl with glasses sits at laptop engrossed in her learning during gifted tutoring at Fit Learning St. Louis, which bolsters problem-solving skills while taking students' learning to the next levelHow Do I Get My Gifted Child Started at Fit Learning in St. Louis, MO?

Our Creve Coeur learning lab has credentialed, supportive, and fun learning coaches who specialize in the latest learning and behavioral science technologies. To start your gifted child on a path of academic success in the St. Louis area, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Fit Learning St. Louis and talk to our Director regarding the gifted program.
  2. Make an appointment for an intake assessment for your student.
  3. Begin tutoring at Fit Learning and know that your gifted learner will be suitably challenged — while having fun! — during learning sessions.

What Other Learning Services are Offered at Fit Learning?

In addition to offering enrichment for gifted learners, Fit’s St. Louis-based learning lab offers school-aged instruction in the areas of readingmathcritical thinking and comprehensionspellingexpressive writing, and penmanship. For our youngest learners, we offer the Lil Fits kindergarten readiness program. Fit also provides academic summer camp, a dedicated program for homeschoolers, and study skills tutoring.

And, as mentioned earlier, Fit works for all kinds of learners, regardless of whether or not they have a diagnosis. This includes children with learning disabilities (LD), learning differences, ADHDdyslexia, autism, developmental disabilities and/or developmental delays, speech/language delays, and or a processing disorder such as slow processing speed.

If you are ready to help your gifted student take their learning to the next level, reach out to our St. Louis tutoring center to learn more about our unique, science-based method.

Note that Fit’s programs are available via online instruction as well as in-person at our Creve Coeur learning lab. For more information about our distance learning option, see the Online Services webpage … or give us a call!